The construction of new facilities during this decade brought further improvements to the campus of Slippery Rock State College in student life, competitive sports, and academics.
Eisenberg Classroom Building
Shortly after Spotts World Culture Building was completed, construction of the Eisenberg Classroom Building began in 1970.
(Photograph, color, c.1970)
Dr. J. Linwood Eisenberg
The new classroom building was dedicated to Dr. J. Linwood Eisenberg, whose presidency from 1917-1934 spanned across both Slippery Rock State Teachers College and Slippery Rock State College eras. A photograph of Dr. Eisenberg is displayed to the right.
(Photograph, black and white, c.1934)
Bailey Library
Designed by Murovich and Heitzenrater and built in 1971, Bailey Library was named after Dr. Matilda Bailey, an English professor and editor of elementary school textbooks.
(Photograph, black and white, c.1971)
Dr. Matilda Bailey
Dr. Matilda Bailey began her career in the English Department under President Miller and completed her tenure under President Weisenfluh. Bailey also established and endowed a student scholarship before leaving Slippery Rock State College in 1961.
(Photograph, black and white, Saxigena, 1958)
The University Union
Built as the College Union in 1971, this was one of the busiest spots on campus. On the ground floor, students could eat at Rocky's Grille, relax, participate in various games or even catch a performance in the multi-purpose room (MPR).
(Photograph, black and white, c.1971)
The Union's Expansion
In 1994, the Union completed a new addition to the SGA Bookstore housing the Student Government Association.
(Photograph, black and white, c.1990s)
The Sweet Shoppe
The Sweet Shoppe was a popular destination in the Union.
(Photograph, black and white, c.1980)
Boozel Dining Hall
In 1971, Slippery Rock celebrated Mr. George Boozel’s 50th year as a chef at the college by dedicating the new dining hall, built earlier that year by Murovich and Heitzenrater. During his time, Mr. Boozel helped to make the university one of only two schools in the state that prepared their students’ meals on campus.
(Photograph, black and white, c.1972)
Mihalik-Thompson Stadium Complex
When Slippery Rock State College replaced Thompson Field with a new stadium in 1972-1973, the Thompson name remained. In 1975, the college added a lodge overlooking the stadium, which was later dedicated to Mr. Gail L. Rose in 1982.
In 1992, the Jerry Bejbi Weight Training Center, named after 1963 alumni, Dr. Bejbi, was also built near the stadium. For many years, commencement ceremonies were held in the stadium complex.
(Photograph, black and white, c.1980)
Swope Music Hall
Built in 1979 and designed by the W. G. Eckles Architectural Company, this two-story building is the home of the University’s Music Department.
(Photograph, color, c.1980)
M. Clair Swope
The Music Hall is dedicated to M. Clair Swope, who fought for 24 years to bring a music education certification and program to Slippery Rock. Today, Swope is the home of the Music Department, a testament to Mr. Swope’s hard work and dedication.