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Use Your Computer to Format Citations

How to Cite

  • The References begin on a new page; everything is double-spaced and indented- see the Examples of Undergraduate Papers.
  • The citations are listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the author.
  • Do not change the order of the authors listed in the publication.

1 Author:

  • Smith, J. (2022). The book of deed. Millworks

2 Authors:

  • Long, M., & Crempe, L. (2023). Joker and Batman: A dark connection. Journal of Fun, 34(4), 34-45.

3 to 20 Authors:

  • List ALL of the authors

More than 20 Authors:

  • List the first 19 authors, write an ellipsis (...), and then write the last author. 
  • Pion, M., Kit, O., Bells, V., Collin, J., Gioggging, E., Butre, R., Belltower, D., Solemio, F., Ming, D., Zhiu, Y., Lima, E., Sinkters, G., Galiano, P., Gothams, B., Metzzinger, F., Barone, A., Amapursuay, J., Marshall, O., Coster, J., . . .  Otrem, V. (2023). 

When Information is Missing

How to cite when information is missing can be found on page 284 of the APA Manual.
