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In ACS you will record the sources you use in two ways:

  • The in-text citation refers to the source you used. 
  • A reference is found at the end of the paper and includes detailed information about the source you used. All citations must be reported in the references.


Short quotations

Quotations with less than 50 words should be placed within quotation marks and incorporated into the text:

  • According to Smith and Gordon, "acids should be tested against a variety of substances, and should only be used within the specified parameters."1

Long quotations 

Quotations longer than 50 words must be written as a single-spaced block quotation.

  • It is best to introduce long quotes and then end with a colon.
  • Leave a blank line before and after the quote.
  • Indent the whole quote 5 spaces from the left margin.
  • Single space the whole quote.
  • Do not add quotation marks.
  • End the quote with a period followed by the citation.

    Updike explains the interaction between enzyme and gel as follow:

As the amount of enzyme in the gel is decreased so that all of the glucose which diffused into the gel is not consumed by the reaction system, the rate of reaction is also limited by the enzyme in the gel, and the linear range of the analysis system is extended. 4

Therefore, the research will….

In-Text Citations

  • With ACS, you can choose to cite in-text in one of the three ways below.
  • Be consistent with the style throughout the paper.
  • Ask your professors how they want the in-text citations.


  • When there are more than two authors, write et al. after the first author
  • Superscript numbers: Smith et al. ¹
  • Italic numbers: Smith et al (1)
  • Author-name and year: (Smith et al., 2014)


At the end of the cited information

Within the cited information

Superscript numbers

The primary function of this enzyme has been previously documented. ¹

Smith¹ notes that the primary function of the enzyme has been previously documented.

Italic numbers

The primary function of this enzyme has been previously documented (14).

Smith (14) notes that the primary function of this enzyme has been previously documented.

Author-name and year of publication

The primary function of this enzyme has been previously documented (Smith, 2019).

Smith (2019) notes that the primary function of this enzyme has been previously documented.


IMPORTANT: The bibliography in the Reference page must follow the same style used with the in-text citations

  • Superscript numbers  and Italic numbers will use a numerical order format
  • Author-name and year of publication will use an alphabetical format