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COMM 231: Intro to PR and IMC (Flynn)

A note on abstracts and indexes

Abstracts and indexes in print or on CD ROM, as described in the Communication Research textbook by Hocking, Stacks, and McDermott, have largely been replaced by article databases that contain a mixture of full-text articles from some periodicals, and abstracts and citations for others. To include abstracts and citations in your database search, simply do not select the "full text only" option.  Articles that are not full-text in any of our databases can be requested through interlibrary loan, which is fast and free.    

Purdue OWL

As discussed during your library class, the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University has some great resources that will help you with writing and citing for this class.  

Journal Databases

Use these databases to access the scholarly literature in communication and related fields. These databases are also one of the best places to search for trade publications related to IMC fields.

Newspapers and Magazines

These databases contain current and historical newspapers and general-interest magazines. 

Subject Guide

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Rocco Cremonese
201 Bailey Library
(724) 738-2657

National Newspapers

SRU faculty, staff, and students may create a free account to read The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. First-time users must register before they can access the content. 

Government Information