These is a small sampling of trade publications available through Bailey Library that focus on public relations or marketing - note some are in full-text only and omit images. If you're curious about the content or how they appear compared to academic journals, the below publications are great examples. To search them exclusively, look for a "Search Within" after selecting a database under "View It" or ask a librarian for help.
Finding case studies can be difficult. We recommend you try the following steps, either in Discovery Search or an appropriate library database:
1) Go to the Discovery Search or an appropriate database. (For IMC, try Communication Source, Business Source Complete, or Business Insights: Global, but there are more)
2) Go to the Advanced Search.
3) On Line 1, enter Case Study or Case Studies (you may need to try each) and change the field to "Subject" on the appropriate drop down menu.
4) Make sure the boolean operator between Line 1 and Line 2 is AND.
5) Enter keywords on Line 2 that relate to your topic, product, marketing strategy, etc. make sure to use quotation marks if using more than one word or a phrase.
6) Run the search, using limiters (See left or right side of screen depending on database) as appropriate to further adjust results.
Professional organizations are often formed around a specific trade or occupation to provide certifications, development, research, and training opportunities. Often, these organizations may produce official reports or have official communications about best practices, conditions, etc. for their members, who may have to subscribe and/or pay annual dues to access the organization's content. Sometimes, these organizations offer affordable student rates or reduced rates for new professionals. Other times, they may have free access to research and other materials.
A few library databases, such as Business Insights: Global may have blog, newsletter, or white paper content. However, most of the time you will have to find these on the world wide web, and establishing credibility can be difficult. Try some of these newsletters recommended by professors and your librarian.