SRU students, faculty, and staff may create free accounts to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. First-time users must register before they can access the content.
As a History student, you will likely need to use Chicago/Turabian citation style in your assignments. You can find help with this by going to our Turabian Citation guide. You can also find the manual for Chicago style on reserve and in the Library's circulating collection.
Research Services - Spring 2025
Get live research assistance from a librarian via online chat or in-person (Ask at the library's 1st Floor Circulation Desk) during the following hours (All times EST).
Monday - Thurs. | 10am - 4pm |
Friday | 10am - 2pm |
Research assistance is also available via the Ask a Librarian e-mail form (you will receive a reply by the next business day).
You may also consider contacting your subject specialist librarian directly via the Ask Your Librarian page to ask a question directly or to schedule an appointment.