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Unpublished Works

General Format: 

 Last name, First name of who wrote the document. Title of the document.

     DD MM YYY of the document. Name of the Collection, Name of where the

     source is located, City where the location is. Format of the document.


Written communication (letters, memos, or other) in a personal collection

Lewis, Jerry. Letter to Mrs. Long. 15 Dec. 1903. Letter.


Manuscripts and Typescripts

  • In a personal collection

Swartz, Colette. Letter to Mark Coop. 1 Feb. 1845. Manuscript.

  • In an archive

Kringle, Claus. Letter to the big elf. 5 Oct. 1804. Catherine Quest Papers,

     Stewart Alma Library, Evansville. Typescript.



See pg. 337 of the MLA Handbook for more information


Manuscripts and typescript: "Any text in handwriting or typescript (including printed forms completed by hand or typewriter) which may or may not be part of a collection of such texts. Examples of manuscripts are letters, diaries, ledgers, minutes, speeches, marked or corrected galley or page proofs, manuscript books, and legal papers" Reference 1.0A, from Hensen, Steven L., Archives, Personal Papers, and Manuscripts: A Cataloging Manual for Archival Repositories, Historical Societies, and Manuscript Libraries – 2nd ed., Society of American Archivists, 1989.