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Bailey Library Interlibrary Loan

Bailey library offers interlibrary loan services, free of charge, for current students, faculty and staff. In addition, we offer these services to our faculty emeriti. Interlibrary Loan is used to request books, articles, book chapters, dissertation/thesis, or other materials that Bailey Library does not currently have in its collection and databases.The guidelines, and protocols are to establish fair and appropriate practices for everyone using requesting materials from other libraries. Lending libraries set the loan period, the renewal policies, and other special conditions, such as recalling a library material to be returned before the due date.

Library User Responsibilities

  • All items borrowed and checked out under your name. 
  • Following due dates of materials, and promptly returning library materials. 
  • Reading emails from the library, and responding to requests, or inquiries. 
  • Promptly picking up borrowed materials you have requested from other libraries.        
  • Caring for borrowed materials and returning them in the same condition as received. 


  • Materials are subject to the lending library’s policy.  
  • Requests for more than one chapter of a book cannot be filled due to copyright guidelines.  
  • Requests for more than one article from a journal title and issue, may be subject to copyright restrictions and fees. 
  • If a user no longer needs ILL materials they have requested, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing interlibrary 
  • Users may only have one ILLiad account – multiple accounts are not allowed and will be deleted. 
  • Users should not submit duplicate requests for the same article or book.  
  • A library has the right to recall, at any time, a loaned item if needed by their institution. The item must be returned immediately, even if before due date. 
  • Contact with any questions or problems. 
  • Each library has policies that dictate which items in their collection can be loaned through Interlibrary Loan. 
  • The loan period is 12 weeks with no renewal. 
  • Users should not submit duplicate requests for the same book.    
  • Contact with any questions or problems. 

Interlibrary Loan Priorities

  • Priorities for fulfilling interlibrary loan requests are students, faculty, and staff, and then others.  
  • Bailey Library pays annual ILL subscription or membership fees for interlibrary loan usage and lending library agreements.  Requests not covered under these fees, resulting in additional charges, are not filled unless they meet certain special SRU research considerations and obtain approval of library administration.

Borrowing Patron Requests

  • Limitations for borrowing requests are: SRU students/faculty/staff have no limit to the number of article requests, however it is appreciated if limited to 15 a day; SRU students may request up to 3 books per day; SRU faculty do not have a limit, however again it is appreciated if limited to 15 books a day; For Professor Emeriti the limit is 5 per day. 
  • If a large number of requests are submitted by an individual in a single day, they may not be filled immediately, as a high volume of Interlibrary Loan requests are received daily.  
  • Problematic accounts may be blocked automatically, until account is cleared and materials are returned. 
  • All Interlibrary loan requests are submitted by the patron/user through their own ILLiad account.  Users may only have one ILLiad account – multiple accounts will be deleted. 
  • We are unable to obtain reference, reserve, valuable or rare materials. We are seldom able to fill requests for current year book publications and current course materials/textbooks. 
  • Materials ordered through interlibrary loan, after arriving at Bailey Library, will be kept on the circulation desk hold shelf for five days.  After five days, the materials will be returned unless you contact us ( to set up a new pick-up date.

Overdue Material(s)

  • Overdue notices are sent out timely via email, when materials are past due. Fees may be imposed for overdue materials and removed book wrappers. 
  • After unreturned material(s) are 14 days overdue, users will receive an invoice for the average replacement cost and processing fee of the book or non-book materials. The library accepts cash or check only.   
  • If you have unpaid replacement costs, your library privileges will be suspended. If money is owed to the library, the university reserves the right to hold transcripts and diplomas until full payment is received. 
  • Users who have repeatedly kept overdue materials, and have not responded to email requests, will be blocked from interlibrary loan.  By the end of the current semester, students and faculty should have returned all lost interlibrary loan materials and paid for any late or lost books. Failure to return materials by their due date could result in being blocked from the interlibrary loan system(s).  
  • Reinstatement will take place when library materials are returned or lost material invoices have been paid. Problematic user accounts will be reinstated at the discretion of the Interlibrary Loan Technician and/or the Manager of Library Operations. 

Interlibrary Loan Copyright Restrictions

  • The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials. 
  • Requests for more than one chapter of a book cannot be filled due to copyright guidelines. 
  • This institution reserves the right to refuse a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. 
  • Interlibrary loan allows libraries to obtain copyrighted material from other libraries if the material is intended for private study and research. Materials obtained through interlibrary loan may not be shared with others. Copyrighted materials borrowed through interlibrary loan cannot be placed on course reserve.