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MRKT 303: Issues in Global Business

Where do I Search for Scholarly Articles?

Bailey Library recommends three different tools for article searching. They have basic and advanced searching methods. These tools describe the article or item and provide you with information needed to access them. Discovery Search and Library Databases are also linked on the library web page.

Finding an Article When You Know The Title or DOI

Basic Search

When you know the title or DOI for the article you want, try searching in:

  • Google Scholar (with your library linked)
  • Discovery Search

If you have the exact title or a portion of the title, enter it exactly as it appears.

For example, if you are trying to find the article Fit for purpose: A showcase of research methods for communication studies research you would go to Discovery Search or Google Scholar and enter the title exactly as it appears in in this sentence in the default search box.

If the title is not available through Bailey Library, you could see if it is free* on the web or request it via Interlibrary Loan.

*Do not pay for any article online while you are a student with access to a library, unless you need it immediately. Otherwise, try Interlibrary Loan first! 

Finding Articles on a Subject or Topic

Advanced Search

When you have a specific topic or specific keyword and are prepared to use limiters, try advanced searching in:

  • Discovery Search
  • A Database Dealing with Your Subject
    • For example, is this a Communication topic? Try:
      • Communication Source
    • Business topic? Try:
      • Business Source Complete
      • Business Insights: Global

An advanced search combines two or more keywords or phrases with boolean operators. These keywords may refer to the full-text of articles or controlled vocabularies (Specific sets of words used to describe articles, usually referred to as a Subject"

The web pages below will help you make the most out of Advanced Searching.

Finding Additional Articles Based on One Good Article

Think of a research article as a continuum - research in one article is built on research that came before it, and research that comes after the one article may cite or rely on the article. Additionally, the same key terms or key words are often used to describe research articles that deal with the same or similar concepts or subjects. If you can find ONE good article ony our topic it can give you a bunch of information that can help you find other good articles on your topic.

Try It!

1. Find the following article in both Google Scholar and the Discovery Search. Use two windows or tabs so you can go back and forth between them.

Touahmia, M. (2018). Identification of risk factors influencing road traffic accidents. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research8(1), 2417-2421.

2a. To search for past (before 2018) articles about risk factors and road traffic accidents, review the REFERENCES page at the end of the article. If you see one that looks promising, see if it is available in Google Scholar or Discovery Search.


2b. To find more recent research that has cited this article, click the "Cited By" button in Google Scholar to see which research articles have mentioned Touahmia's article. 


2c. Review the subject terms that are used to describe the article in Discovery Search or, if applicable, a database that contains the article (connected via Discovery Search). Considering doing an Advanced Search in the Discovery Search or the applicable database using the subject keywords to find out if there are more articles related to your subject or topic.