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MRKT 335: Retail Management (Nicholls)

Want to Know More?

Find and Use Keywords

Use Booleans

Boolean Operators are words that connect keywords together to broaden or narrow the results retrieved. 

The three Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

  • AND narrows your search results. Why? Because only the information that contains both words is found.  
  • OR expands your search results. Why? Because the information that contains one word, the other word, or both words are found.
  • NOT narrows your search results. WHY? Because the results are limited to those that contain the word you wrote before NOT, but not the word after NOT.

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Interlibrary Loan

  1. From the library's home page select "Services", on the left
  2. Click the link "Interlibrary Loan"
  3. Then select the link ILLIAD
  4. Fill out the form. You only have to do this once while at SRU. Please make sure to use your SRU email.

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